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Ask the Experts: Flu and FMLA | NY Benefits Partners

Question: Is the common flu considered a serious health condition under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Answer: Most cases of the common flu do not meet the definition of “serious health condition” and would not be eligible for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave. Some cases of the flu, however, are severe or … Continued

Managing the Intersection of Workers’ Compensation with Other Leave Regulations | NY Benefits Partners

You’re ready when the call comes in. Your client’s employee was seriously injured on the job. You reassure the client that your team has them covered, and you outline their workers’ compensation policy provisions, administrative claim filing process, and accident site investigation protocols. You check in later in the week. As a result of the … Continued

Ask the Experts: FMLA Leave and Attendance Incentives | NY Employee Benefits

Question: We give year-end bonuses based on attendance, and employees with a certain number of absences are disqualified. If an employee took FMLA leave, can we count those absences against them and withhold the attendance bonus? Answer: Yes, if you apply the rubric used to qualify employees for the bonus consistently across all “equivalent leave … Continued