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Live Well, Work Well | NY Benefits Advisors

Celebrate World No Tobacco Day by Learning About Smoking Cessation According to the American Lung Association, smoking kills over 480,000 people every year. Few people would disagree that smoking is hazardous to their health, yet millions continue to take part in this unhealthy habit. The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and … Continued

Back to Basics: 3 Simple Tips for Building Healthy Kids | NY Benefits Consultants

Do these promises sound familiar? “When I have kids, I’ll never let them eat XYZ.” “My kids will always eat whatever I put in front of them.” “Our family will never eat out all the time.” We’ve all said them at some point in our lives and, whether we’ve started a family or are still … Continued

Nutrition Tips for Busy Families | New York Employee Benefits Advisors

The typical family in the US looks quite different today than it did 30 years ago. School, sports, church, clubs and activities, and longer work hours have changed the way we allocate our time as well as how we eat.  With families getting busier and busier, how do you make healthy eating a priority? It’s … Continued