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Financial Fitness for the New Year | New York Employee Benefits Firm

It’s often thought that having money leads to happiness.  While that’s not necessarily true, being financially secure does create a sense of well-being which impacts your mental and physical health.  To address our whole health in 2023, we need to understand the relationship between financial and physical wellness. Inflation, at 7.1%, has made financial stress … Continued

What Employees Want: Financial Wellness | New York Benefits Agency

“Financial Wellness” is getting a lot of buzz these days — and for good reason!  After all, today’s workforce is overwhelmed by mounting student debt and other rising expenses. Financial wellness refers to a person’s overall financial health and is one of many factors that makes up employee wellbeing.  We often think of wellbeing as … Continued

8 Small Steps Toward Financial Protection | NY Employee Benefits Team

About half of all Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Along with exercising more and eating better, many people aim to get a better handle on their finances. If you’re in that camp, we’re here to help. Here are some surefire steps to create a more financially secure future for you and your loved ones. Create … Continued