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Advance Child Tax Credit Payments in 2021 | NY Employee Benefits Team

There have been important changes to the Child Tax Credit that will help many families receive advance payments starting this summer. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 expands the Child Tax Credit (CTC) for tax year 2021 only. The expanded credit means: The credit amounts will increase for many taxpayers. The credit for … Continued

IRS Announces HSA Limits for 2020 | New York Employee Benefits Advisors

On May 28, 2019, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2019-25 announcing the annual inflation-adjusted limits for health savings accounts (HSAs) for calendar year 2020. An HSA is a tax-exempt savings account that employees can use to pay for qualified health expenses. To be eligible for an HSA, an employee: Must be covered … Continued

IRS Announces 2019 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits | NY Employee Benefits

On November 1, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2018-83 announcing cost-of-living adjustments affecting dollar limits for pension plans and other retirement-related items for tax year 2019. Many pension plan limits will change next year because the increase in the cost-of-living index has met the statutory thresholds that trigger their adjustment. Other items, … Continued

PCORI Fee Increase for Health Plans | New York Benefits Consultants

On November 5, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2018-85 to announce that the health plan Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee for plan years ending between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019 will be $2.45 per plan participant. This is an increase from the prior year’s fee of $2.39 due to … Continued

Redesigned W-4 Form to Launch in 2020 | New York Employee Benefits Firm

When will the new Form W-4 be released? In 2020, according to a press release published by the Treasury Department on September 20, 2018. The department announced that the IRS will implement a redesigned W-4 form for tax year 2020, a timeline that will allow for continued work to refine the new approach for the … Continued

SCOTUS 2018 Roundup and 2019 Preview | NY Employee Benefits

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard several cases with employment implications during their 2018 session, including the following four cases we covered in detail. (Click the case names to read the full articles.) Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro: Encino shifted the burden of proof in Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime exemption … Continued

What We’re Reading – August 2018 | New York Employee Benefits

Looking for some beach reading? Check out a dozen of the stories from around the web that ThinkHR editors have curated for you over the past month. Barriers to Breastfeeding Breastfeeding has long been a challenge for working mothers of infants. While laws and workplace accommodations have come a long way in supporting new moms … Continued

Federal Employment Law Update – March 2018 | NY Benefit Advisors

EEO-1 Reporting and Employees Who Regularly Report to Client Sites The portal for 2017 EEO-1 reporting is open and reports must be submitted and certified by March 31, 2018 at the latest. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has addressed the issue that there may be some confusion as to how employers are to … Continued

IRS Releases New Form W-4 and Updates Withholding Calculator | New York Benefit Consultants

Our February 1, 2018 blog post reported on the late February release of the Form W-4 and guidance on the income withholding rules that changed under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. On February 28, 2018, the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released the new 2018 Form W-4 and an updated withholding calculator. Why a … Continued

Benefits Easy: Health Savings Accounts | Melville Benefit Consultants

Taking control of health care expenses is on the top of most people’s to-do list for 2018.  The average premium increase for 2018 is 18% for Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans.  So, how do you save money on health care when the costs seems to keep increasing faster than wage increases?  One way is through … Continued