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Can HR Capitalize on Resignation Remorse? | New York Benefits Partners

The Great Resignation has paved the way for resignation remorse, according to a number of publications. In fact, 72% of the 2,500 U.S. workers surveyed by The Muse said their new role or company was very different from what they had been led to believe. For HR leaders still dealing with a labor shortage or … Continued

HR Trends to Watch in 2022 | NY Employee Benefits Consultants

Human Resources leaders are always being asked to look into a crystal ball and predict the future. You probably don’t have any super powers. But your Spidey sense might be telling you that a few trends that are surfacing are likely to stick around through the new year, 2022. The coronavirus pandemic has changed your … Continued

The Root Cause of the Great Resignation Is Not What You Think | NY Benefits Team

Theories abound about why workers are leaving their jobs in record numbers in 2021 and thus creating what pundits are calling the Great Resignation. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August. These resignations continue to be higher in food service, retail, and education. One popular opinion … Continued