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Empowering Gen Z: Building a Competitive Benefits Package | New York Employee Benefits Firm

Get ready for a new wave of talent! Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012), or Zoomers, is the youngest generation entering the workforce, and they’re bringing fresh perspectives and priorities. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z isn’t just punching a clock. They crave opportunities for personal and professional growth, a workplace that prioritizes mental well-being, … Continued

Open Enrollment: Your Annual Check-Up for Benefits | New York Benefits Partners

Navigating health insurance can feel like planning a vacation. You wouldn’t pack for a beach trip if you’re headed to the mountains, right? Similarly, choosing a health plan requires careful consideration. Open enrollment is your chance to design a plan tailored to you; it is your yearly opportunity to review and adjust your employee benefits … Continued

Empowering Millennials: Building a Competitive Benefits Package | New York Benefits Agency

Today’s workforce is a mix of generations, but you can’t afford to overlook Millennials, the largest generation in the workforce. Known for their flexibility and problem-solving skills, Millennials bring a powerful combination of experience and value to any company. Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are a driving force in today’s job market. This generation … Continued

Navigating the Alphabet Soup: HRAs, HSAs, and FSAs Explained | New York Benefits Group

Managing healthcare costs can feel like deciphering a complex code. Three acronyms frequently pop up: HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs. But what exactly do they mean, and which one is right for you? Let’s break down these accounts and explore how they can help you save on qualified medical expenses. Understanding the Accounts: Health Savings Accounts … Continued

Empowering Gen X: Building a Competitive Benefits Package | NY Employee Benefits Team

Today’s workforce is a mix of generations, and Gen X is a group you can’t afford to overlook. Known for their flexibility and problem-solving skills, Gen X employees bring a powerful combination of experience and value to any company. Gen X, those born between 1965 and 1980, makes up a significant chunk (27%) of today’s … Continued

Benefits 101: What Is an HDHP? | NY Employee Benefits Team

In today’s world of complex health insurance options, High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) have become increasingly popular. But with a name like “high deductible,” it’s natural to have questions. Let’s break down the basics of HDHPs: What is an HDHP? An HDHP is a health insurance plan with a higher deductible than traditional plans. This … Continued

Investing in Health Prevention and Wellness: A Smart Bet | New York Benefits Agency

The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” rings truer than ever in today’s world. While reactive healthcare plays a crucial role in treating illness, a growing emphasis is being placed on the power of health prevention and wellness. Investing in preventive measures and promoting overall well-being isn’t just about … Continued

Empowering Baby Boomers: Building a Competitive Benefits Package | New York Benefits Agency

A Baby Boomer is someone born between 1946 and 1964. This generation is currently between 58 and 78 years old (in 2024).  They tend to have a strong, loyal work ethic and excel at face-to-face communication and building relationships with colleagues.  Boomers have a wealth of experience accumulated over long careers. They value jobs that … Continued

Protect Your Mental Health with an EAP | NY Employee Benefits Agency

Mental health isn’t just the absence of illness. It’s a continuum ranging from severe symptoms such as panic attacks and major depression to excellent mental strength and well-being. Sometimes you’re not ill, but you aren’t well either – and you need help.  If you’re feeling down about work or a problem in your life and … Continued

Benefits 101: What Is Voluntary Life Insurance? | New York Employee Benefits Firm

Life Insurance at Work: Your Guide to Voluntary Coverage We all juggle life’s different responsibilities, and ensuring our loved ones are financially secure in case of our passing should be a top priority. Life insurance offers a safety net but typically the amount of coverage included as a standard company-paid life insurance policy isn’t enough … Continued