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Managing the Intersection of Workers’ Compensation with Other Leave Regulations | NY Benefits Partners

You’re ready when the call comes in. Your client’s employee was seriously injured on the job. You reassure the client that your team has them covered, and you outline their workers’ compensation policy provisions, administrative claim filing process, and accident site investigation protocols. You check in later in the week. As a result of the … Continued

ACA Individual Mandate Update | New York Employee Benefits

Recently, the President signed a bill repealing the Affordable Care Act’s Individual Mandate (the tax penalty imposed on individuals who are not enrolled in health insurance). While some are praising this action, there are others who are concerned with its aftermath. So how does this affect you and why should you pay attention to this … Continued

New Year, New Penalties | New York Benefit Advisors

Department of Labor Publishes Updated Penalties for OSHA ViolationsOn January 2, 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published updated, inflation-adjusted penalties for violations of various laws regulated by the DOL and its internal components or divisions, including the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). The DOL is required to adjust the level of civil … Continued

Are You Ready to Electronically Report Injuries and Illnesses to OSHA? | New York Benefit Advisors

December 1, 2017 is the deadline for certain employers to use the Occupational Safety and Health Agency’s (OSHA) Injury Tracking Application (ITA) portal to report information from their 2016 Form 300A regarding employee illnesses and injuries. We previously reported (Breach Forces OSHA to Shut Down Reporting Portal) that OSHA suspended employer reporting through the ITA … Continued

Federal Employment Law Update – August 2017 | New York Benefit Advisor

OSHA Injury Tracking Application Electronic Portal As of August 1, 2017, the Occupational and Safety Health Administration’s (OSHA) new electronic portal, the Injury Tracking Application (ITA), is available for employers to file web-based reports of workplace injuries or illnesses. Under OSHA’s electronic recordkeeping rule, covered employers with at least 250 employees must submit the following … Continued

OSHA Online Portal for Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Reports Opens August 1 | New York Benefit Advisors

On August 1, 2017, Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) injury tracking application (ITA) portal will be available to employers. The portal allows employers to electronically report information about workplace injuries and illnesses. Establishments with 250 or more employees that are currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records, as well as employers with … Continued