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Want to Increase Productivity? Support Working Parents | NY Employee Benefits Group

As the flu and RSV season gets underway, companies are asking themselves how they can support employees who need to stay home to care for their children.  In fact, last October, 104,000 Americans missed work because of “childcare problems” – the highest total since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the figure in 2003.  … Continued

What Employees Want: Hybrid Work and Flexibility | New York Benefits Group

2021 was quittin’ time in America.  Last year alone over 47.4 million Americans quit their jobs. This year, employees seemingly have the upper hand against employers.  The Turnover Tsunami, a.k.a. The Great Resignation, has forced a reckoning with the workplace and few employers have come away unscathed.  Organizations are now shifting priorities to make employee … Continued